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Mobile Technology Addiction 

It’s no secret, mobile devices with their smart capability have taken over, and the new technology available to users in the palm of their hands is more accessible and convenient than any static desktop or portable laptop ever was.

Loaded with smart features, useful apps and a dedicated Internet browser, mobile devices provide users with access to information and complete daily tasks for us, essentially making our lives easier and our reliance on the device an addiction to technology.

Life In The Fast Lane

The new age in which we currently find ourselves hurling through has never been epitomized until now, which is the rat race struggle of daily endeavour. It’s fast and mean, it takes no prisoners and cuts you right down to size.

The single most relevant factor in this new age of the world, where things are more accessible and faster than ever before is the technology humans have created to aid our daily lives.

The mobile smartphone is one such piece of tech that has propelled humans to the pinnacle of communication.

New Age Communication

Modern technology like smartphones have changed the way we communicate with the world. Online all the time and versatile, smartphones and other mobile devices like tablets have opened the world up to us in the palm of our hands.

They’re nifty little devices, and everyone from Suzy selling cupcakes, to Georgina in the nursing home makes use of them. They’re easy to use and the standard features open up the world in front of your face.

Gone are the days of snail mail and text messaging. The world has WhatsApp, Skype, email, Facebook, Twitter and for those who love saying it in pictures; Instagram.

Mobile gaming

Mobile Gaming AddictionMobile devices haven’t only shaped modern lines of communication they have broken through into the world of on the go gaming. Easily accessible through your devices Internet browser or with downloadable apps available, mobile gaming has become a popular pastime for many thumb warriors.

It’s not all about fancy apps either; many gaming establishments have overhauled their interfaces to accommodate mobile players. Mobile casinos are at the forefront of this, allowing players to access their website or app directly from an array of mobile devices.

The Future Of Mobile Devices

While we currently consume mobile Devices at a rapid rate, that is set to change with future technologies being developed around human needs and wants.

If you think the smartphone will last forever then you simply don’t understand the progression of technology and what exactly virtual reality really is.

Since it’s inception, man has attempted to integrate technology into his every fibre. We have always pushed the boundaries and expected nothing less than mechanical perfection. It’s already happening and all you have to do is look at the millions of people around the world face-planted in their screens.

It’s uncertain as to what we could see exactly, but virtual reality is a technology that is destined to change the way we look at the world and communicate with people.