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PC Gaming Guide

10 Most Anticipated PC Game Releases for 2018

10 Most Anticipated PC Game Releases for 2018 2017 was certainly a landmark year for video gaming, but as we ring in 2018, it’s time to look forward to the games releasing this year. Jam-packed with hotly-anticipated sequels and brand spanking new productions, here are

Improving The Performance Of Your Gaming Computer

Today’s gaming computers are more powerful than we even realise. Even a lower range gaming rig offers thousands of times the computational power than the computers that first sent the human race into space, and we often take for granted just how much the average

The Top PC Games Of 2020

2020 has been a difficult year for most of the world thanks to the coronavirus and the many transportation, social, and financial issues that it caused. Thankfully, the WHO advised that one of the safest hobbies to enjoy during this time is playing video games,

The Best Distros For Modern Gaming

Gaming on Linux systems has always been a problem in the past, where the vast majority of modern games were designed to work on Windows almost exclusively. This is beginning to change, however, as more and more people turn to Linux to escape the increasing

Top Games That Are Exclusive To The PC Platform

Arguing over which gaming platform is better, console or PC, is an act in futility. Consoles are cheaper and more widely available, but PCs offer vastly improved quality, while being more expensive. Whichever you choose is a matter of personal preference.

2020’s Most Anticipated PC Games

2020 is looking to be a year of some of the best games we’ve seen in ages, and thanks to a new line up of cheaper hardware from companies like AMD, many gamers will have a chance to try out many of the games that

The Best SSDs For Gaming

The solid state drive, more commonly known as the SSD, is one of the biggest innovations in personal storage of the last decade. While we were once making use of the clunk HDD that tended to break down every few years, SSDs hit the market

The Top Five Graphics Cards of 2019

Graphics cards have come a long way in recent years, with most cards boasting full 1080p gameplay, often into the 120 frames per second range. The release of Nvidia’s Turing cards like the RTX 2080 have provided an entirely fresh line of cards, and while

Buying The Perfect Gaming Laptop

Buying The Perfect Gaming Laptop As more and more jobs shift over into the remote niche, more young people are finding the freedom to work at home. While it’s always nice to have an office with a desktop, a laptop can work just as well,

Benefits of Gaming on a PC

Advantages of PC Gaming Gaming has really taken off and is something that people of all ages are enjoying.  Some gamers prefer PC while others prefer console gaming.  This article will look at some of the benefits of PC gaming. How Steam has Impacted PC

Best Open World Games

The Best Open World Games On The Market Since video games first began gaining popularity, a number of different genres started to emerge. The first, and one that has retained its popularity to this day is the 2D platformer, thanks in large part to the