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7 Unexpected Benefits Of Gaming

When people hear “gaming” they tend to think of sullen teenagers holed up in front of glowing screens with little to no interest in real life. In reality, gaming offers a host of benefits that extend far beyond the console. While it’s not a good

Why The Online Gaming Industry Is Fraudsters’ Top Target

The online gaming industry is a playground for the creative fraudster. As the status of gaming platforms continues to grow, fraudsters across the world are devising ever more inventive ways to attack. In the online gaming industry, the fraudster’s end game can fluctuate from stealing

Future of Video Games

The Future of Video Games There was once a time when video games were nothing more than a few pixels on a screen. Over time, screens begun having more pixels, which means developers were now able to make better looking games. Alongside the visuals, games

Why Gaming Is Good For You

Why Gaming Is Good For You We’ve all heard about how bad video games can be, how they can cause people to develop violent streaks, to become anti social and how they lead to obesity. But, while there are several people who like to demonise